Online Sessions

Distance Reiki works just as perfectly well as a one-on-one session.

It is a great way to rebalance your chakras in the comfort of your own home!

The key to get the most out of your session is by welcoming of the loving healing energy of Reiki that is being sent to you.

How a session works:

Firstly, you can book your preferred date & time via “Book Now” section

All distant sessions are held through ZOOM.

Once you have booked your preferred date & time, an email will be sent to you with meeting ID & password for ZOOM.

On the day – Please allow up to 30 minutes initially to discuss reiki, especially if this is your first time and if there is any questions you may have.

We will both turn off our cameras, you will mute your microphone until the session is completed.

After the session, I will call you back and we will discuss what I felt, what you felt or thoughts you had and then perform an intuitive oracle card reading.

Distance sessions usually take up to 75 minutes.

Please note I am based in Australia, sessions will be in alignment with Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

If there is any questions you may have prior to the session, please do not hesitate to contact myself any time on email – I will endeavor to reply as soon as possible.

Looking forward to connect with you soon.

Love & light,


Testimonials from clients who have never experienced a distance reiki session before:

Michelle put me at ease with my first ever reiki experience. She answered my questions through emails beforehand and really helped me to get an understanding. We spoke via Zoom first and then again afterwards. Michelle was able to pick up on afew things that I had been feeling and her advice and kind words instantly made me feel so much better. Her positive and friendly personality made me feel at ease at trying my first reiki experience and I definitely recommend Michelle for your own reiki journey. Xx

Jade, UK

It was not the first time I heard about Reiki, as I have friends and family who explained it to me, so I was familiar with the topic but I never tried it before. Michelle, in a very calm and professional way explained me what Reiki was shortly, its benefits and how it could change my daily life if I firmly believe on it. My boyfriend recently broke up with me and I was a mess with a lot of unsolved questions and unsolved emotions that I did not stop to pay attention to until now. As I do not live in Dubai, Michelle recommended me a session of distance Reiki and I really thought it was the time in my life to experience what Reiki was. During the 45 min of my session I could feel how the energy was flowing through my body and I arrived eventually to feel such relaxed and peaceful that I fell into a deep, sleeplike meditative state. After the session I felt
an immediate release of stress, more sense of calm and mental clarity. Definitely something I would continue working on

Irene, Spain

Michelle welcomed me to the world of energy as I had no idea about it. She is not only professional but also very caring about her clients. Although we did the session through the screen due to social distancing, I actually felt a strong sense of harmony. Surprisingly emotions came out of me in the first session which felt so weird but good after. I even had a really good sleep after her session and advice. The best part is she’s still there for you, checks up on you the next day to make sure you are ok. She is also very honest and genuine. I would highly recommend her!

Maitha, UAE

Omg! I just had second reiki session with one month apart! We have done it with distance this time! Whoever is sceptical about that way should give it a go ! It works!!!!!
This time I felt so much energy flowing thru and into my body that its insane! I felt like i ve recived a power from universe! I feel so happy and positive that i cant believe it!
Michelle again felt what is blocking me and our energies connected in unbeliveble way!
I honestly would recommend to anybody to do at least 2 sessions as it gives so much improvement to Your system!

Dagmara, Poland

I recently did a distance reiki session with Michelle, and it was an amazing experience. Michelle is an awesome person, and before the session, she gave me a clear understanding of Reiki and how distance healing works, and what to expect during the session. After the session was over Michelle, shared her thoughts and gave guidance on some issues that came up. The best result came 2-3 days after, when I felt so light, cheerful, energetic and as a huge weight was lifted off me. Definitely recommend a distance reiki session with Michelle!

Ruta, India

I’ve had Reiki in person before but wasn’t sure if it would work by distance… but WOW!!! I felt the energy!! It was Amazing to have the same experience that way!!

Colette, Australia

I have done 2 distant Reiki sessions with Michelle and after each session I felt like I had more space which helped trigger something for the better within me. I was very impressed by what she could sense without me saying much or even seeing me in person. I think we all have a lot of work to do on ourselves as so much of it gets lost in the “busyness of us trying to get somewhere”For me the reiki sessions just helped me feel better and in feeling better I was able to see the obstacles in my path as I paused.

Annie, India

I have now done a couple of reiki sessions with Michelle, I was feeling lost and unsure and decided to try long distance as Michelle was living in Dubai and I was under quarantine in Sydney. This was my first experience with reiki and wasn’t sure of what it could do for me. Michelle talked me through what would happen and made me feel at ease before our session. During our sessions I could feel the energy and she was able to pinpoint were my blockages are and even bought to my attention things I had been trying to avoid. After each session she checked in on me and the days after, she gave me guidance on how I could maximise the benefits of our sessions together and help to let go of negative experiences I had been holding onto. I can honestly say with each new session that the energy in my blocked chakras is less intense each time and feeling more like myself then I have in a long time! Michelle is an authentic ray of light and couldn’t recommend her more.

Amy, Australia

My distant Reiki session with Michelle was so beautiful! Her energy felt supportive and loving. As a Reiki master myself, I felt her work as if it were a beautiful graceful dance.
Intuitively she picked up on several things going on in my life, as well as the chakras I have been having trouble with. She not only focused on and balanced them, but offered suggestions to keep them that way. Self care is such an important aspect of any healing work. Michelle offered detailed guidance and direction for how to work on my own navel and heart chakras.
I had such a beautiful experience from our session. I will definitely work with her again and again! Thank you Michelle

Seonaid, US

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